The purpose of this policy is to minimise health, safety and wellbeing risks in schools when purchasing new goods, equipment or chemicals.
The principal and/or their delegate, in consultation with Health and Safety Representative (HSR) and employees, must ensure the following:
The OHS Purchasing Procedure provides further detail for each of the above requirements.
Reference to goods includes:
Under the OHS Act 2004, Plant includes:
Anything with the potential to cause
The Occupational Health and Safety Purchasing Procedure must be followed, and sets out the practical step-by-step instructions for implementing this policy.
The Procedure contains the following chapters:
The underlying principle of OHS purchasing, hiring, leasing, or receiving donated goods, is to ensure that hazards are not introduced into the workplace without assessing the risk and implementing controls to mitigate the risk.
The principal and/or their delegate in consultation with the Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) and employees are to identify potential occupational health and safety risks associated with the purchase, hire, lease or receipt of donated of goods. Examples include:
The principal and/or their delegate must ensure that the OHS Purchasing Checklist (DOCX) External Link
is completed when purchasing, hiring, leasing, or when donated goods with potential OHS risks are to be introduced to the workplace.
The OHS Purchasing Checklist can be completed by any school employee in consultation with the Health and Safety Representative, and approved by the principal or their delegate.
The principal and/or their delegate are to ensure that section 2 of the OHS Purchasing Checklist is signed upon receipt of goods, if the goods conform to specifications.
It should be noted, that if the goods have previously been purchased, hired, or leased then an OHS Purchasing Checklist may not be required. Instead, the principal and/or their delegate are to ensure that the controls currently in place continue to effectively manage the risk.
The principal and/or their delegate are to ensure a risk assessment is completed using the Risk Assessment Template (DOCX) External Link
for goods that require further risk controls to be implemented. The Risk Assessment can be completed by any school employee.
The principal and/or their delegate, employee or Health and Safety Representative are to complete a Safe Work Procedure (DOCX) External Link
for goods that require training for safe use (for example, wood or metal work plant and equipment, agricultural equipment and so on).
The principal and/or their delegate are to directly contact the supplier in the event of faulty or non-conforming goods to arrange replacement or return of the good(s).
If the fault or non-conformance represents a safety hazard, the principal or their delegate must ensure goods are withdrawn from service and isolated (i.e. for locked up to prevent unauthorised use).
The principal and/or their delegate are to manage suppliers via their workplace’s purchasing system (for example, CASES21).
The principal and/or their delegate are to ensure goods belonging to, or in the care of, the school are decommissioned and disposed of in a way that takes into account safety, security, sustainability as well as environmental and social factors.
The principal and/or their delegate should be aware of the responsibilities of suppliers of goods.
Suppliers of goods are responsible for: